This work offers a new concept for two-way wireless communication:
rather than avoiding self-interference as in half-duplex, or combatting self-interference as in conventional full-duplex, nodes will re-use the received interfering radio-carrier waves to transfer information.
Funded by NSF CAREER #1620902
Team: B. Smida, S. Khaledian, S. Islam, J. Earl, S. Metz, and M. Tomehy
B. Smida and S. Khaledian, "ReflectFX : In-band Full-duplex wireless communication by means of reflected power," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no. 5, May 2017.
S. Khaledian, F. Farzami, B. Smida and D. Erricolo, "A power-efficient implementation of in-band full-duplex communication system (ReflectFX)," 2016 International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC), Tunis, 2016, pp. 242-246.
B. Smida, "Communication with backscatter modulation," US Patent US20150236841, August 20, 2015.
B. Smida and S. Islam, "Full-duplex wireless communication based on backscatter amplification," in Proc of IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, July 2014.
J. Earl, S. Metz, M. Tomehy, D. Gray and B. Smida, "Backscatter modulation in full-duplex two- way communications," The Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research, August 2013.
We introduce a new analog self-interference cancellation (SIC) technique for in-band full-duplex (IBFD) in single-antenna systems. We use an RF circulator to separate transmitted
(Tx) and received (RX) signals. Instead of estimating the self-interference (SI) signal and subtracting it from the Rx signal, we use the inherent secondary SI signal at the circulator, reflected by the antenna, to cancel the primary SI signal leaked from the Tx port to the Rx port.
Funded by NSF CAREER #1620902
Team: S. Khaledian, F. Farzami, B. Smida and D. Erricolo
S. Khaledian, F. Farzami, B. Smida and D. Erricolo, "Inherent Self-Interference Cancellation for In-Band Full-Duplex Single-Antenna Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 66, no. 6, pp. 2842-2850, June 2018.
S. Khaledian, F. Farzami, B. Smida and D. Erricolo, "Inherent self-interference cancellation at 900 MHz for in-band full-duplex applications," 2018 IEEE 19th Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Sand Key, FL, 2018.
S. Khaledian, F. Farzami, D. Erricolo and B. Smida, "A Full-Duplex Bidirectional Amplifier With Low DC Power Consumption Using Tunnel Diodes," in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 27, no. 12, Dec. 2017.
This work presents an Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) system enabled by in-band Full Duplex (FD) radios, where a massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) base station equipped with hybrid Analog and Digital (A/D) beamformers is communicating with multiple DownLink (DL) users, while simultaneously estimating, via the same signaling waveforms, the Direction of Arrival (DoA) as well as the range of radar target, which are randomly distributed within its coverage area.
Funded by NSF CAREER #1620902
Team: M. A. Islam and B. Smida
M. A. Islam, G. C. Alexandropoulos and B. Smida, "Simultaneous Multi-User MIMO Communications and Multi-Target Tracking with Full Duplex Radios," 2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022.
M. A. Islam, G. C. Alexandropoulos and B. Smida, "Direction-Assisted Beam Management in Full Duplex Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Systems," 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Madrid, Spain, 2021. Best Paper Award.
M. A. Islam, G. C. Alexandropoulos and B. Smida, "Integrated Sensing and Communication with Millimeter Wave Full Duplex Hybrid Beamforming," ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2022.
G. C. Alexandropoulos, M. A. Islam and B. Smida, "Full-Duplex Massive Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Architectures: Recent Advances, Applications, and Future Directions," in IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 83-91, Dec. 2022.
This work considers the single antenna, static, scalar Gaussian broadcast channel in the finite blocklength regime. Second order achievable and converse rate regions are presented. Both a global reliability and per-user reliability requirements are considered. The two-user case is analyzed in detail, and generalizations to the K-user case are also discussed. The largest second order achievable regions presented here require both superposition and rate splitting in the code construction, as opposed to the (infinite blocklength, first order) capacity region which does not require rate splitting. Interestingly, in the two-user case with per-user reliability requirements, the capacity achieving superposition encoding order (with the codeword intended for the user with the smallest received SNR as cloud center) does not necessarily give the largest second order region. Instead, the message of the user with the smallest point-to-point second order capacity should be encoded in the cloud center in order to obtain the largest second order region for the proposed scheme.
Funded by NSF CISE # 1900911
Team: D. Tuninetti, B. Smida, D. Devroye, and H. Seferoglu.
D. Tuninetti, P. Sheldon, B. Smida, and N. Devroye, "On second order rate regions for the static scalar gaussian broadcast channel," 2023 to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications -- Next Generation Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications, July 2023.
P. Sheldon, B. Smida, N. Devroye and D. Tuninetti, "Achievable Rate Regions for the Gaussian Broadcast Channel with Fixed Blocklength and Per User Reliability," 2022 58th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), Urbana IL, 2022.
D. Tuninetti, B. Smida, N. Devroye and H. Seferoglu, "Scheduling on the Gaussian Broadcast Channel with Hard Deadlines," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kansas City, MO, 2018.
M. Mousaei and B. Smida, "Optimizing pilot overhead for ultra-reliable short-packet transmission," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, 2017.
Z. Ovaisi, N. Devroye, H. Seferoglu, B. Smida and D. Tuninetti, "On Erasure Broadcast Channels with Hard Deadlines," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Kansas City, MO, 2018.