Prof. Besma Smida
I am an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Illinois at Chicago. Before that I held academic positions at Purdue University Northwest and Harvard University. My research focuses on the area of Wireless Communication. I am a Communication Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2021-2023. I was highlighted by IEEE Communications Society in their women in engineering in communications series. I was also included in the "100 Brilliant and Inspiring Women in 6G" List. I was awarded the INSIGHT Into Diversity Magazine’s 2015 “100 Inspiring Women in STEM”. I received the Academic Gold Medal of the Governor General of Canada in 2007 and the NSF CAREER award in 2015. I was a recipient of the IEEE GLOBECOM best paper award 2021.
Research Blog
This paper considers the single antenna, static, scalar Gaussian broadcast channel in the finite blocklength regime. Second order achievable and converse rate regions are presented ....
Massive MIMO base station communicates with multiple downlink users, while simultaneously estimating ....
This work offers a new concept for two-way wireless communication....
Fun movie/animation -- my research!
Instead of estimating the self-interference (SI) signal and subtracting it from the Rx signal, we use the inherent secondary SI signal at the circulator..