Join my team

First of all, I would like to thank you for taking the time to look at my web pages. I appreciate your interest in my research and in the activities of our group. Unfortunately, since I receive an overwhelming number of e-mail messages from prospective students, there are too many messages for me to respond personally to each one. So please accept my apologies for this general response to student inquiries.

Prospective Graduate Students: Working with exceptional graduate students is the highlight of my job here at UIC. Admission to the ECE department at UIC is based on merit, and applications are reviewed by the department's Graduate Admissions Committee. Decisions regarding openings for new graduate assistants, acceptance, and funding are made in the late fall for spring admission and in the late spring for fall admission. The graduate committee decides the requirements for admission. Direct solicitations to faculty members for admission are not accommodated. That said, I am primarily interested in working with students that are interested in earning a Ph.D. I look for students that write thoughtful personal statements that speak to the agenda of the wireless communication lab, that have interesting backgrounds and experiences, that receive recommendations from trusted colleagues whose work I know, that have demonstrated a mature approach to school, and possess good grades (and acceptable GRE). Previous research experiences are very attractive and publications are impressive if you have them. Most of all, I look for students who are self-motivated and willing to make mistakes often in search of excellence.

Prospective Postdoctoral Fellows: Postdoctoral fellows in my laboratory are hired for specific grant funded positions. There are no such positions available unless there is a current posting on the NICEST web page.

My Reserach LAB

oFFICE hours

Friday  10:00–11:00 am